Specialists in Gender Neutral Toys

At Peaches&Eaches, we strongly believe that both boys and girls have the potential to do great things, and in order to foster this idea, we have removed any gender specific referencing and categorising. Quite simply put, if we want our little cherubs to grow up believing in themselves and in equality, then we have to start at the very beginning by reinforcing the notion that all toys are for both genders.

So, you won’t find any “boys’ toys” or “girls’ toys” on our website, just lots of great products that everyone can enjoy and learn from. We also believe that everyone deserves good working conditions, a fair wage and that we should be trying wherever possible to minimise the use of plastic. That’s why all of our toys are sourced from known suppliers that we trust and are made from sustainably sourced materials.

Made With Love

Each product has been hand picked to encourage particular skills that are essential to each developmental phase in a baby’s life. With a little guided play, you can gently encourage these skills at a pace that suits you and your baby, having lots of fun in the process!

We have also taken great care to find companies that use ethical practices and sustainable natural materials to produce their toys, ensuring that with each purchase and playtime, you’re helping to spread the word of fairtrade and lovely independent companies that pay their workers a fair wage.

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